A positive maths culture: Closing the numeracy gap during the early years and primary education

The Fair Education Alliance’s numeracy working group is developing a publication of good practice early years and primary mathematics teaching and learning case studies. The focus is on the development of maths culture across the setting or school and how this strongly contributes to raising children’s achievement and enjoyment of maths. The examples can include whole setting or school approaches as well as effective interventions.

Aspects of maths culture may include (although not exclusively) such areas as clear leadership of maths across the setting or school, an emphasis on number sense and mathematical language and thinking, a well thought through curriculum and good maths pedagogy, including the development of maths through games, play and ‘real life’ situations, teachers and practitioners with positive attitudes to maths and the skills and confidence to support children’s development of maths understanding, enjoyment, motivation and independence.  


Call for case studies

We would like to hear from you if you have any good case studies where a positive maths culture in a school or setting has helped to raise maths standards for all students, especially the most disadvantaged. Please send your examples to: abturner@faireducation.org.uk