The Fair Education Alliance response to analysis of grammar school expansion

The Fair Education Alliance, a cross-sector coalition, continues to oppose the expansion of grammar school, and is disappointed by the results of the BBC’s analysis, published today, which show that grammar school places in England have grown by more than 11,000 since 2010.

There is clear evidence to show that selective education has a negative impact on social mobility and widens the gap between the most advantaged and most disadvantaged students. The BBC has found that less than 60% of grammar schools have a policy to give priority to poorer children, and that several schools admitted no free school meals students in the past year.

The Government’s £200 million expansion fund could have a huge impact if invested in programmes that are proven to have an impact on the lives of our most disadvantaged young people. Our education systems needs investment in early years education, in supporting teaching and leadership in hard-to-staff schools serving disadvantaged communities, and in building social and emotional skills for young people from all backgrounds.